29 MAY 1915, page 12

[to Aba Edit. 07 The "spec - Taro."' Sir, —by All Means...

up unmarried shirkers, but such men will not " stick it" with the same patriotic persistence as do those who have voluntarily come forward. They should be formed into separate......

Boys And Compulsory Service.

[TO Ten Mee. 07 Tee "srsrrsroa."] Sin,—The wasteful expedient of universal service may be unavoidable, but I submit that loss will outweigh gain if we compel boys under twenty......

[to Rtre Fereoa Or Rem " Spi./.702."]

SIR,—I have heard no more manly or moving appeal for recruits than that delivered by the Commander of the Scottish Coast Defences at a meeting held in connexion with the Church......

Ito A. Enema 07 Rse " Spit..e."]

Stn,—For twenty years I have read the Spectator regularly, and always been impressed with the sound common-sense which has been a feature of its pages. We are all living just......

[to 711. Edit. Or 7. Elrlouroa."1 Sir,—there Is One Aspect

of this question that I have not seen noticed. We have on one hand the very flower of our population, the bravest and the best, giving their lives for their King and country at......