ire 777 Eorrox or en •Sreemtux."] SIR,—May I suggest that the Zeppelin raids hitherto attempted, although in the nature of trial rune so far as flight-endurance, discovery of anti-aircraft defences, &a., are concerned, may not necessarily have been intended to inflict a maximum amount of damage? Indeed, it would be quite in keeping with the enemy's genius for " surprises " deliberately to employ a certain proportion of inefficient bombs on these occasions in order to lull us into a deeper sense of security, and so bring about the neglect of defensive measures. " Frightfuhless " depends so much for its full effect upon the element of surprise that we may rely on our foe not showing his hand a moment too soon. In the meantime no good pur- pose is being served by the publication of details of the number of bombs dropped and in what locations. For the sake of satisfying the idle curiosity of certain sections of the public are we not supplying the enemy with precisely the information he desires as to the marksmanship of his airmen P