The Spectator and Sport
For some years the Spectator has published occasional articles on sporting subjects. They have been mostly of a reflective and leisurely character, although quite frequently they have taken the form of considered reports on recent events. Most of them have been written by J. P. W. Mallalieu, who has built up a very considerable personal following. Since the beginning of this year his articles have appeared weekly under the general title of "Sporting Aspects." It is now pro- posed to develop this feature a little further and to introduce more variety into it. A number of other well-known sporting writers have agreed to contribute, some regularly and some occasionally, to the Spectator. Mr. Mallalieu's articles will continue to appear frequently. In weeks when he is not writing, the page will be taken over by John Arlott, Bernard Darwin or, a little later, Neville Card us. There will also be occasional contributions by specialists. For example Edward Crankshaw will write on fishing, Michael Berry on hunting, and Patric Dickinson on golf.