29 MAY 1953, page 28
Eddie Marsh. Sketches For A Composite Literary Portrait...
Edward Marsh, K.C.V.O. C.B., C.M.G. Compiled by Christopher Hassall and Denis Mathews. (Lund Humphries, for the Contemporary Art Society. 7s. 6d.) FRIENDS as varied as Graham......
Shorter Notices
CAPTAIN CHIPPENDALE was born at sea in 1879 on board a whaler, of which his father was captain. Shortly afterwards the latter became American Consul in St. Helena, an......
In Next Week's" Spectator !' Dingle Foot Will Review" The
Law of Libel and Slander" by Oswald S. Hickson and P. F. Carter- Ruck ; Maurice Cranston " Locke's Travels in France," edited by John Lough ; and A. G. Street "Wiltshire......