Art And The Abstract
SIR, —If I may be permitted to take up any more of your valuable space I would add this. I am only concerned with the matter and method of fine art, not the inward sensations......
Case Of The Missing Cliche
SIR,—II is always a pleasant experience to a novice when he is able to correct an expert. Shortly before reading Mr. John Home's letter In your issue of May 15th, I had been......
The Diplomatic Soldier
SIR,—With reference to the opening article, " urope's New Com- mander," in your issue of May 22nd, it is to be hoped that you do not intend it to be inferred that the Supreme......
Saving The Western Isles
SIR,—No one could have read Mr. Graham Dukes on the problems of the Western Isles in your issue of May 22nd without feelings of profound sympathy. Sometimes, in these cases, the......
The Lone Prairee
Sta,—I would like to submit a friendly letter after reading Mr. Henn's latest article. I enjoyed every word of it very much, having lived in Saskatchewan for a number of years,......
Sir Winston And The Arabs
SIR,—The British Prime Minister may have been "at his best hitting nails on the head . . " as far as his eloquence was concerned in his recent foreign policy speech, but there......
Letters To The Editor
The Haworth Moors SIR,—Haworth Moors and their symbolical impact on the minds of the Brontes . and others may well be debatable land, but when the Rev. B. Scholfield moves to......