THE Russian blockade of the Dardanelles and Constantinople has at length been officially declared. This was announced to the commanders of the ships of war of neutral nations, by a letter from Count Heyden, dated the 18th October, describing in precise terms the nature of the blockade. In the outset, it is declared, that the intention of this measure is to compel the Sultan to a " speedy and solid peace," which is the constant wish of his Ma- jesty, and the well-known desire of his allies. To accomplish this desirable end, he has employed his naval force to prevent the arri- val of provisions, or articles contraband of war, in Turkish or neutral ships in the Dardanelles or at Constantinople. The blockade is to be rigorously enforced, and without exception. The blockading squadron is authorized " I. To permit all neutral vessels to enter the Dardanelles and Constan- tinople which shall submit to be searched, nod which shall not have on board either contraband of war or any other article which might serve to provision the capital of the empire. 2. To permit all vessels coming from Constantinople and bound to Europe, to come out without interruption, unless they have on board troops, military stores, or provisions for the places situated in the limits fixed by the three Courts in the treaty of the 6th of July. 3. Not to employ force except at the last extremity against neutral vessels which may attempt to avoid being searched, or to violate the blockade."
The greatest delicacy is to be observed in the search of neutral vessels.
The British merchants at Malta had an interview with Count Heyden, in order to learn whether sugar and coffee were to be understood as articles of "provisions." From the reply of the Russian Admiral, it would appear that these articles of colonial produce were not embraced in the instructions given to the block- edit).- squadron. Count Heyden read his instructions to the merchants. They were in substance,
"That they were to proceed to the mouth of the Dardanelles; and if any ship or vessel passing through the Straits bad corn, or naval or war- like stores on board, she was to be warned not to proceed ; if afterwards the same vessel should be found attempting to break the blockade, she would be taken and sent to Poros, there to await his further instructions."
It is particularly mentioned in all the communications, that the words of the Russian Admiral are "corn, or naval or warlike stores." The blockade is to be enforced by Admiral Ricord with two ships of the line, six frigates, and a brig.
The capture of Silistria has again been reported from various quarters. The story is, that General Scherbatoff was successful after three assaults, in which the Russians suffered severely, but the whole Turkish garrison perished. The fact of the capture is not by any means improbable, but it still needs a better voucher.
The last report of this achievement comes from Frankfort. Another rumour has reached us from the same city, of a different complexion : it is, that a treaty has been concluded between Russia and Prussia, in fulfilment of which, one hundred thousand Prussian soldiers are to occupy Poland, in the event of the Polish army passing the frontiers. If the report were true, the inference would be, that Russia has not yet been able so far to conciliate the Poles, as to trust to their love for the safety of this ill-acquired portion of her dominions.
The Gazette of last night contains a despatch addressed to the British naval commander in the Mediterranean by Captain Lyons of the Blonde frigate, relative to the part which the British took in the reduction of the Morea Castle. The cannonade is said to have been" tremendous" for the time it lasted ; and out of one hundred and two shells thrown from the /Etna into the castle, "only the four first went too far." No loss of life or limb is re- corded.
The war between the kingdom of Naples and the Regency of Tripoli has been brought to a close, through_ the mediation of the French Government. This fact has also been announced at Lloyd's for the "information of whomsoever it may concern." The con- vention was signed on the 28th October ; and " all prizes subse- quently made are to be mutually restored."