Professor Leslie On The Internal Constitution Of The Earth.
In a note on the subject of the Compression of Water, in the new edition of his "Elements of Natural Philosophy," Professor Leslie has thrown out some opinions which are......
The Army.
War-Office, November 24. 3d. Reg. Dragoon Guards—Brevet Lieut.-Col. John Marcus Clements, from half. pay 18th Light Dragoons, to be Capt. vice Shewell, dec.; Cor. and Adj.......
The Church.
On Wednesday last the Rev. R. Burgh Byam, MA. of King's College. Cambridge, was presented, by the Provost and Fellows of that society, to the Vicarage of Kew and Petersham. On......
The Universities.
OxFORD, November 27. — This day the following degrees were conferred. Bache- lors in Dieinity—Rev. Edward Burton, late Student of Christ Church, Grand Com- pounder; Hon. and......
Books Published During The Week.
R. S. d. Raper's (Rear Admiral) New System of Signals, 46. boards . Tales of a Grandfather, Second Series, 3 vols. 18mo. half-bound Memoirs of the Rev. W. Goode, 8vo. boards . .......