Ma'ttheins's Caleb Pipkin, And Reeve's Yankee Captain.
IF ever perfection walked on the boards of a theatre, it is seen in MA.TTHEWS'S Mr. P. That a tinker should be the mirth-inspirer of a town theatre !—It must be a tinkerly place......
The Little Adelphi Compared With The Great Theatres.
THE little Adelphi—that bit of a box—with it two or three pieces and two or three actors, has done more this season for the delecta- tion of the human race than the two ngular......
The Law Of Reason V. The Law Of Libel, Or
JUSTICE IN A DILEMMA. TOPICS OF THE DAY. ONE fine day last week, to use a favourite formula of Mr. Baron HueLocies, the Court of King's Bench was perplexed with a suit, which......
Catholic Association—the Appeal To Force.
THE PRESS. TIMES—So as the Catholic leaders have directed the power derived to them through the above institution, to the excitement of a purely political spirit in their......