29 NOVEMBER 1884, Page 2

An astonishing act of cruelty is reported from Trinidad. Mr.

A. J. E. Andre, of Port of Spain, reports to the Anti-Slavery Society that the Mnssulman and Hindoo coolies of Trinidad have of late years united to keep the Mohurrum, or festival of Hussein and Hossein, and to provide the two figures or " taboots " then thrown into the water. This year, however, the coolies have been discontented ; and the local Government, fearing that their assemblage in crowds might lead to riots, prohibited the grand procession to the sea. The coolies, however, persisted, and on October 30th the procession, unarmed and orderly, was ordered, as it passed San Fernando, to retire ; and a force of black police, supported by English soldiers and marines, was drawn out across its path. The coolies still advancing, the order was given to fire, and twelve coolies were killed, five mortally wounded, and eighty- eight so wounded as to be sent into hospital. The coolies, of course, did not resist, and had no more notion of fighting the Govern- ment than so many pilgrims to Lourdes would have had. They are perfectly peaceable folk, and willing to obey the Courts, though they are sometimes fractious when oppressed or deprived of wages. There may be some explanation forthcoming, for the accounts come from one side ; but at present it looks very much as if advantage had been taken of a little religious excitement to "read the coolies" a savage "lesson." The Government of India will doubtless take up the matter energetically.