News Of The Week.
(AN Monday, Sir Stafford Northcote, addressing the Beacons- N-1 field Club, dropped some significant remarks on the probable character and extent of the Redistribution Bill, The......
The T Ivies And The Standard Both Affirm That The
Govern- ment have submitted proposals upon the finances of Egypt to the Powers interested. These proposals are substantially that the British Government shall give up to the......
Mr. Labouchere's Motion That It Is Desirable So To Adjust
the relations of the Houses of Lords and Commons as to render it impossible for a Tory Chamber to obstruct indefinitely the measures of a Liberal Government, came on in the......
The Great Debate In The French Chamber Upon M. Ferry's
Colonial policy ended last night, but too late for us to hear the result. It was understood that M. Ferry would have a majority, the Opportunists still adhering to his policy as......
All Kinds Of Unfavourable Rumours Are Circulating About...
Expedition, but only two of them appear to be true. The new climate, the exposure, and the Nile water have produced some sickness among the men ; and the delay in transporting......
• * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......
Both The Tory And The Liberal Papers Assure Us—though The
Pall Mall of last night reported some scare on the subject—that the negotiations on the Redistribution Bill have come to a success- ful end, and that no difference of principle......