Letters To The Editor.
SECOND CHAMBERS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECIATOR."1 SIR,—When writing an article on "Second Chambers," which appears in the Contemporary Review for this month, and which you......
Spiritual Denudation And Blanco White.
LTO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATC1R.1 SIR,—The Spectator of the 22nd inst., on "Spiritual Denude- tion," during the last thirty years, makes the following state- ment :— " The......
The Proposed Grant To Prince Edward.
rTo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Is there not an omission in your argument ? Of course, an average elector of Hackney does not maintain his sons when they are of an age......
"new York, November 9th, 1884.
"Dees MR. BRYCH,—A8 to the double-Chamber system in our Constitutions, Federal and State, it may be said not to be a subject of discussion at all in this country. It is......
Sir Andrew Clark On Health.
S IR ANDREW CLARK, in his lecture on Monday to the Young Men's Christian Association in Aldersgate Street, defined health as the state "in which existence in itself is a joy, in......