Little Snowflakes. Being the Christmas Number, for the young, of
the Sunday Magazine. (Isbister and Co., Limited).—Again we have to thank the editor of the Sunday Magazine for an excellent Christmas Number for children. Little 8nm:flakes contains stories and verses, suitable for the Christmas season, which are all attractive and nicely written. They will interest not only children, bat older people to whom children and children's welfare are not matters of indifference. The tale of the little adopted son—who accidentally finds oat, at an evening party, that he is not the child of those whom he has been brought up to look upon as parents—is particularly good ; the love of the childless mother, who clings to the helpless infant in the first instance, and to the growing boy later on, is true to life and pathetic ; and we wish the teller of the tale had given us a little more of the boy-life with which she has touched our hearts. A true spirit of Christianity breathes through all the contributions to this journal, and notably through those of the editor himself. It is what is needed in the present day, and we know of no magazine for the young, or for the poor, which better illustrates the meaning of the sacred lesson, in its fullest, widest, and highest sense,—" And now abideth faith, hope, and charity, these three, but the greatest of these is charity."