Tuesday, October 25.
PawmizasruPs DISSOLVED.—Herniman and Son, Bristol, fishmongers—Scoweroft and Brothers, Burnden, Lancashire,. colliers—Scowcroft and Co. tlindley, Lanca- shire, corners; as far as regards S. and I. Scowcroft—Brown and Shave, Sudbury, veterinary-surgeons—Marwood and Swainston, Sunderland, ship-brokers—Hanson and Carrodus, Bingley, Yorkshire, spindle-makers—Jones and Sons, Salford, brass- founders—N. W. and W. G. Clarke, Lower Shadwell, biscuit-bakers—North and Wilcock, Kirkheaton, carpenters—Booth and Milthorp, Manchester, printers— Fox, Brothers, Bradford, Yorkshire, grocers—Cooke and Pearson, Manchester, pa- per-dealers—R. and T. Martin, Beerferris. Devonshire, maltsters—Tarte and Co. Birmingham, assurance-agents—T. and .1. Sharp, Tewkesbury, coach-makers—Hol- man and Kelly, Dartmouth, ship-builders—Briscoe and Co. Wolverhanipton, mer- chants—Hemingway and Tolson, Dewsbury, blanket-manufacturers—Jarritt and Woodhouse, New Bond Street, hatters—Sawyer and Mann, Myddelton Square, sur- geons—Berni and Co. Great Guildford Street, batters; as far as regards G. Cunning- ham—Kenyon and Abbott. Bolton-le-Moors, printers—Warbis and Co. Barnsley, ers—J. A. and G. P. Edgar, Wigmore Street, victuallers—Paul and Niven, Peter- head, BArtiraorvs.—JosErri MArruen-s, Little Waltham. Essex, grocer, to surrender Nov. 3, Dec. 8: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings—TuomAs PvE, Manor Street, Chelsea, sawyer, Nov. 4, Dec. 19: solicitors, Miller and Horn. King William Street; official assignee, Colman, Alder- manbury—Jous: Dawsox, Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex, surgeon, Nov. 11, Dec. 10: solicitors, Stevens and Satchel], Queen Street, Cheapside; Banks and Stevens, Wi- tham; official assignee, Nicholson, Basingholl Street—CusaLEs SesirrER Monaco, late of Soham, Cambridgeshire, ironmonger, Nov. 5, Dec. 10: solicitors, Storey, Featherstone Buildings ; Tillett and Mendham, Norwich • official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—HENRY Basest, Old Fish Street Hill, importer of foreign glass. Nov. 5, Dec. 10: solicitor, Parker, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basiughall Street—Cannon GILLARD, New Street, Covent Garden, boot-salesman, Nov. 5, Dec. 10: solicitor, Story, Great James Street ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street—GEORGE BENsErr, Birmingham, victualler, Nov. 7, 26: solicitor, Standbridge, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham—STEPECEN CHUTE, Liverpool, slater, Nov. 14, 28: solicitor, Banner, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool—WiLusx BRoos, Manchester, stuff-merchant, Nov. 9, 13: so- licitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, 1119.11eheSter—BENTAMIN NUNNINGTON DODD, Hetton-le-H ole, Durham, grocer, Nov.7, 30: solicitors, Moores, Sunderland; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. DIvIDENDS.—Noy. 21,Mence, Worcester, brewer—Nov. 21, Nutter and Elliston, Cambridge, brewers—Nov. 21, Allan, Coleman Street, merchant—Nov. 21, Ashton and Spriggs, Aldermanbury, warehousemen—Nov. 15, J. and W. Chisholm, Ludgate Bill, periuruers—Nov. 15, Robinson, Cannon Street Road, sale-clothier—Nov. 16. Emerson and Fenwick, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, iron-founders—Nov. 15, Thompson, Manchester, corn-merchant—Nov. 17, Law and Hudson, Gale, Littleborough, cot- ton-spinners.
CzkripicArrs.—To he granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of nreeting.-Nov. 16, Tollemache, commonly called Lord Huntingtower, Grosvenor Square, horse-dealer—Nov. 16, Egan, High Row, Knightsbridge, ironmonger—Nov. 17, White, Charles Street, Tottenham Court Road, draper—Nov. 17, Quinton, Lea- ther Lane, butcher—Nov. 17, Dare, Lombard Street, shoe-factor—Nov. 17, Seeger, Hungerford Wharf, Strand, wine-merchant—Nov. 15, Toogood, Cwm Brute, New- port, grocer—Nov. 19, Salmon, Birmingham, general dealer. DECLARATION OF DITIDEND.—Hodge, Great Marlborough Street, stationer; first div. of Is. 9d. Oct. 27, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basingball Street. Scams SEQUESTRATIONS.—Thriepland, Glasgow, boot-maker, Nov. 2—Crichton, Edinburgh, printseller, Nov. 1, Friday, October 28.
PARTEEnsmps DISSOLVED.—Berridge and Moore, Leicester, dealers in guano- Gartside jun. and Woolley, Dukinfield, brewers—Sotirichos and Co. London — Lane and Medden, Cromer Street, carmen—Walker and Co. King's Road, Gray's Inn, attornies; as far as regards F. A. Argles—Clark and Merryweather, Brook Street, Hanover Square, surgeon-dentists—Moore and Deakin, Birmingham, mer- chants—Davies and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, machine-makers; as far as regards G. Davies—Postletbwaite and Co. Huddersfield, woollen-merchants—Lomax and Co. Manchester, corn-millers—Eyre and Co. Lombard Street Chambers, merchants— Thompson, Brothers, Liverpool, grocers—Choake and Fedrick, Modbury, Devon- shire, tanners—Parkins and Co. Ecclesfield, steel-manufacturers ; as far as regards Fairest—Lamble and Son, Newton Abbott, tailors—Spink and Jobb, Goole, joiners —Mattocks and Thompson, Coventry, riband-manufacturers—Dorman and Collard, Goodnestone-next-Wingham, Kent, farmers—Keene and Marshall, Guildford, auc- tioneers—Stott and Taylor, Bury, cotton-manufacturers—Whitehouse and Jeffries, Hart's Hill, Staffordshire, iron-masters—Addiscott and Son, St. Thomas Apostle, Devonshire, nurserymen—Etches and Wilson, Hatton Garden, stationers—Ingham and Co. Liversedg,e, Yorkshire, manufacturers; as far as regards J. Ingham. BANKRUPTCY ANNUII.ED.—WILL:Am Tenwoon, Thome, linen-draper. BANnainsrs.—GEORGE LANGFORD, Portsea, brewer, to surrender Nov. 8, Dec. 12: solicitors, Ivemey, Southampton Buildings ; Pafford, Portsea; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—FaznEaccit FREEMAN CODS, Dover, grocer, Nov. 9, Dec. 12: solicitor, Barron, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Graham, Cole- man Street—CuARLEs WRIGHTSON, High Street, Marylebonc, grocer, Oct. 7, Dec. 17: solicitor, Goodwin, Temple; official assignee, Nicholson, Basingliall Street— ARTHUR RYDER HomEasnAu, Russell Street, Bermondsey, woolstapler, Nov. 11, Dec. 17: solicitor, 1.1•Gregor, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chain- bers-WH.Lisat MUNDT, Palace Row, New Road, cowkeeper, Nov. 7, Dec. 17: soli- citors, Fields, Finchley ; official assignee. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—CHARLES GARDNER CRESSWELL, Kidderminster, chemist, Nov. 15, 20: solicitors, Boycot and Tudor, Kidderminster; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham—JOSEPH Con- BEST, Birmingham, coal-merchant, Nov. 7, 26: solicitors, Motteram and Knight, Birmingham ; Benson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham— JAMES GEORGE ItrreuroaD, Stone, Staffordshire, shoe-dealer, Nov. 15, 30: solicitors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee. Bittleston, Birmingham—WILLIAM Boom, Manchester, stuff-merchant, Nov. 9, 30: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; • official assignee, Fraser, Manchester—WILLI/az HILL, Manchester, canvass-dealer, Nov. 14, Dec. 6: solicitor, Roberts; official as- signee, Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.—Noy . 22, Wass, New Bond Street, engraver—Nov. 18, Simmons, Lei- cester, innkeeper—Nov. 18, Smith, South Shields, linen-draper. CERTIFICATES.— To be granted, unless causebe shown to the contrary, on the day of srweting.-Nov. . 21, Chown, St. Swithin's Lane, wine-merchant—Nov. 22, Hitch- man, Glastonbury, surgeon—Nov. 21, Fairclough, Liverpool, comb-manufacturer. DECLARATIONS op DINTOMML—Crowley, Newport Pagnell, wheelwright; first die. of llkd. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Gibbs, Connaught Terrace, chemist ; first div. of 2s. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Paterson, Atherstone, Warwickshire, market-gardener; first div. of 4d. any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham—Ellison, Liverpool, ironmonger ; first div. of Is. 2d. on new proofs, Nov. 2, and a second div. of lid. any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool— Wilkinson and Bentley, Liverpool, tailors; first div. of 4s. 7d. on new proofs, and a second div. of ld. Nov. 2, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool— Mayes. • Widnes. Lancashire, oil-manufacturer ; first div. of Is. 34. Nov. 2, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool.