The New Accounts From India Justify The Most Unpleasant...
- hensions in re g ard to Burmah : the anarchy of the country appears to be only one mode in which the enemy harasses the British troops durin g a pretended truce ; and "the......
Comin G Home To A Practical Domestic En G Lish Subject,...
with business, Mr. Cobden has done a real servioe, which only occasions re g ret that he has not sustained a more con- centrated attention to the matter. At the meetin g of the......
The New Q Uarrel, However, Is More Formidable For Naples...
France. King Ferdinand held a review, and the Emperor Na- poleon sent certain officers of hi g h rank to represent France at the military festival. For some reason, unexplained,......
News Of The Week.
Hosrarrms have commenced on the Danube—such is the brief report of the tele g raph ; which does little more than describe a skirmish and actual bloodshed. The fact, however, had......