The Overland Mail From India, China, And Australia,...
London yesterday afternoon. The latest dates are—Bombay, 28th September; H' ongkong, 9th September ; Port Phillip, 24th August. The accounts from Burnish are not at all......
The Ifoniteur Of Yesterday Published The Following...
from Bucharest, dated the 25th instant. "Two Russian steamers, with eight gun-boats, forced the passage of the Danube on the 23d, and encountered a smart fire from the Turkish......
Sir Charles Wood Made A Speech On Thuisday To His
Halifax consti- tuents, who were giving him a complimentary dinner. His topics were free trade, the great measures of last session and the Eastern question. His treatment of......
James Hayes, The Bricklayer's Labourer Who Killed His...
Shepherd's Bush in September, was tried yesterday in the Central Criminal Court, f oun d guilty of "Manslaughter," and sentenced to transportation for life. Flltnesa, an ex-bath......
The Argo, A Screw-steamer Belonging To The General Screw...
Navi- gation Company, has made the passage from Port Phillip to Southampton i , vie Cap Horn, n sixty-four days,—exactly the same period occupied 1R her passage out, vie the......
SATURDAY. ' The meeting to promote the Bellot Testimonial will be held at two o'clock on Friday next, in Willis's Rooms ; and the arrangements are of each a kind as not only to......
Mr. Latrobe Has Resigned The Lieutenant-governorship Of...
holds office until his successor shall arrive. Mr. Latrobe has resigned the Lieutenant-Governorship of Victoria, and only holds office until his successor shall arrive. One of......
The Northern Strike Has Now Attained To Formidable...
is estimated that no fewer than 70,000 persons are without employment ; a few actually on strike against their employers, but the great majority, say 66,000, are locked out. The......
Money Market. Aro= Exceanoz, Friday Apirrroon.
The tone of the foreign intelligence on the Eastern question this week having been regarded as more pacific, Government Securities have rallied considerably. On Monday the......