James Hayes, the bricklayer's labourer who killed his wife at
Shepherd's Bush in September, was tried yesterday in the Central Criminal Court, found guilty of "Manslaughter," and sentenced to transportation for life.
Flltnesa, an ex-bath attendant at Malvern, has been committed for trial on a charge of robbing a Mr. Kelsell of money and jewels. The ease has excited an unusual sensation in consequence of the strange behaviour of Filtness, who not only replies to the charge of robbery by declaring that the valuables were given him, but, with an air of studied religious penitence, snakes a counter-accusation of a most revolting kind,' and in this charge he also implicates several "persons moving in very high society." He asserta that two noblemen have offered him 6001. to "purchase bail" and get out of the way.