Notebook of an Amateur Geologist. By J. E. Lee. (Longrnans.)—
Here are 90 pages of letterpress and 203 of lithographic plates. The scattered notes, the imperfect descriptions, and the (for the most part) very elementary sketches, of which this bulky volume is con- stituted, cannot be honestly said to have a high scientific value. Here and there a suggestion of paleontological or stratigraphical in- terest may be discovered ; but this miscellaneous collection will com- mend itself mostly to the author's personal friends, and to other amateur geologists. We have particularly scrutinised the sketches and descriptions of Italian and Cornish geological phenomena, without finding any reason for their publication. We trust that Mr. Lee, should be decide to publish the archteological notes and sketches, to which allusion is made in his preface, will first submit his materials to the judgment of a well-trained antiquary.