Stronbuy ; Or, Hanks Of Highland Yarn. By The Author
of " Tobersnorey.' (Macniven and Wallace.)—Stronbuy is a small Highland shooting-box, which its proprietor, who is seized with au accommodating desire to spend his summer in the......
Gleanings Frost The Desert Of Arabia. By The Late Major
N. D• Upton. (C.Kegan Paul and Co.)—Major Upton, who was prematurely carried off while engaged in correcting his book, knew much about the dwellers in the Desert. The......
A Glance At The Passion-play. By Captain R. F. Burton.
(W. II. Harrison.) —Captain Burton is as vigorous and graphic as usual in his description of Ober Ammergau, of the route thither, of the place and its people, and of the great......
Health In Schools And Workshops. (ward And Lock.)—no More...
volume has been published in the "Long Life Series." Some statements, doubtless, are open to controversy, some seem to us to be made with insufficient reserve. Among these......
M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro C. Plancio Ora'io. Edited By The
Rev. Hubert A. Holden. (Cambridge University Press.)—Every one who Las read the Pro Plancio will agree with Dr. Holden's favourable estimate of it. As an oratorical effort, it......
England And Egypt. By Edward Dicey. (chapman And Hall.)— A
republication of the interesting articles which Mr. Dicey has con- tributed to the Nineteenth Century on the subject of Egypt, during the last few years, is very welcome at this......
Memorials Of A Scotch Student. By The Rev. George Steven.
(Maim:Liven and Wallace.)—The subject of this memoir—Mr. Peter Thomson, Free-Church Minister at St. Fergus—bad a strange spiritual and mental training. He was reared in a home......
History Of The Zulu War, And Its Origin. By Frances
E. Colenso and Lieutenant-Colonel E. Durnford. (Chapman and Hall.)—This is a second edition, revised and augmented, of a book which, if it does not take its place as the history......