The German Elections Came Off On Thursday, But, Of Course,.
with such masses of votes to be counted, the results are not known yet. The provision, too, that a candidate must be sup- ported by a clear half of the electors causes much......
Mr. Chamberlain Has Made - Two Very Striking Speeches...
at Liverpool. In the former, he dealt with the subject of Ireland, maintaining that the Government had no right to suppress such an association as the Land League while it kept......
Sir W. Harcourt Made A Very Witty And Effective Speech
at C la.sgow on Tuesday, on being presented with the freedom of the city, in which he compared Lord Salisbury, Sir Stafford Northcote, and their colleagues in the recent......
The Dublin Town Council Has Rejected The Motion For Con-
ferring the freedom of the City of Dublin on Mr. Parnell and Mr. Dillon, by the casting-vote of the Mayor ; the Archbishop of Dublin is said to have suspended a priest in his......
We Pointed Out A Few Weeks Ago That The Blue-books,
if care- fully studied, proved that this Government would have used force rather than not carry out the enfranchising clauses of the Treaty of Berlin. The Vienna correspondent......
In The Second Speech, Mr. Chamberlain Told The Liverpool...
that he had come to return the compliment paid to him by Lord Sandon last year, when the senior Member for Liverpool recom- mended Birmingham to replace its junior Radical......
After Negotiations Which Have Lasted Weeks, The King Of...
on Thursday left his dominions for a visit to the Emperor of Austria. The Viennese Court, if it did not pro- pose the interview, is eagerly taking advantage of it ; the King is......
Dealing With The Outcry Of The Fair-traders Against The...
of our imports over our exports, Mr. Chamberlain remarked that he had found a better remedy than Protection. France, within a year or two, had exchanged. a balance of......
The Best Part Of Sir W. Harconrt's Speech Was, However,
his attack on Sir S. Northcote. He compared Sir Stafford's alliance with Lord Salisbury, as Lord Chatham once compared a similar alliance, to the junction of the Rhone and Saone......