READABLE NOVELS.--At the Villa Bose. By A. E. W. Mason.
(Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—A first-rate story of its kind, the detection of crime, full of surprises, with as little as possible that can offend.-3fy Lady of Intrigue. By liumfrey Jordan. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 6s.)—A. story of the days of Richelieu, who, is seen in a more favourable light than is sometimes thrown upon him.—The Shadow. By Harold Begbie. (R.T.S. Os.)— This tale, which has already appeared in the Sunday at Home, gives us a fine study of the artistic temperament in Christopher. —The Osbomes. By E. F. Benson. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 6s.)—The story of a family whose impossible riches are only matched by their impossible goodness. Mrs. Osborne, the mother, is a delightful figure.—The Green Mouse. By Robert W. Chambers. (D. Appleton and Co. 6s.)—A farcical series of adventures ending in each case in the marriage of two people who know nothing of one another.