Pope John Xxiii. By Eustacs J. Kitts. (constable And Co.
12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Kitts draws for us in vigorous lines three characters,—the Pope, Sigismuncl, King of the Romans, and John Hus. Baldassare Cossi was elected Pope on May 17th,......
Essays And Studies. By Members Of The English...
by A. C. Bradley. (The Clarendon Press. 6s. net.)— Mr. Henry Bradley discourses on "English Place-Names" in a paper fall of interesting information. Here is a specimen :—......
Some Books Of Tiie Week.
[Under this heading vs notice such Boot:* of 00 week as hare not leen reserved for moms in other forms.] Studies in the Book of Isaiah. By the Rev. M. E. Glazebrook. (The......
Old Continental Towns. By Walter M. Gallichan. (t. Werner...
6s. net.)—It could hardly be expected that any one should write equally well about twenty-five towns distributed over Italy, Germany, France, Spain ; in short, over Europe......
The Armenian Church. By Archdeacon Dowling. (s.p.c.k....
tells us much that we are glad to 'know about the Armenian Church,—it is, we should say, the Archdeacon's special function to keep up personal intercourse with the chiefs of the......
A Memoir Of Ebenezer Henderson. By His Niece. (andrew...
Edinburgh. 7s. 6d.)—Ebenezer Henderson seems to have been a "character." In his early days he distinguished himself by an outrageous passion for practical jokes and by......
Annual Of The British School At Athens, 1908-1909....
Co. 25s. net.)—A conffiderable portion of this volume is given up to an account of the work which the school has been carrying on for four years in Laconia. The discoveries—to......
• Life Of George Clark Hutton, D.d. By Alexander Ogilvie,
D.D. (A. Gardner, Paisley. 3s. 6d.)—Any one who may want to read the story of the events which had for a result the union of the Free and the United Presbyterian Churches may......