The Armenian Church. By Archdeacon Dowling. (S.P.C.K. "3s. 6d.)—Archdea.con Dowling
tells us much that we are glad to 'know about the Armenian Church,—it is, we should say, the Archdeacon's special function to keep up personal intercourse with the chiefs of the Oriental Communions. It is well that friendly -relations should be kept up, but it is idle to deny that the Armenian Church is not a little remote from the Anglican. Here are some points. Auricular confession is indispensable ; post- - ordination marriage is impossible ; Bishops must be celibate; there is an Order of Exorcists ; fasting Communion of a much more -rigid kind than our extremists demand is enjoined; the intending communicant must not eat after sunset of the day preceding ' celebration. The rule, however, may be relaxed, but not for the priest. Children of the age of four may communicate. It is of - less importance, perhaps, that the Armenians do not admit the authority of the Fourth General Council.