Sea Training For Poor Boys.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Referring to the Conference of County Councillors - froin different parts of England, shipowners, and others interested in this subject......
"the Idle Rich.'
[To TILE EDITOR OE TEl " SrEcrATos."] SIR,—Mr. Lloyd George's anxiety to find employment for the "idle rich" reminds me of a story told by Lord Avebury in his address at the......
The Turks And The Arabs.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'l SIR,—Having just returned from eight months' travelling under the Crescent and the Star in Turkish Arabia and Syria, perhaps the following......
The Chancellor Of The Exchequer And His Critics.
pro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."1 SIR, — May a Welsh Unionist shy in your impartial columns a word upon the critics of the Chancellor of the Exchequer P Granted that Mr. Lloyd......