WAR-OFFICE, Sept. 94.-7th Foot : Major-General Sir E. Blakeney, K.C.B., to be Colonel, vice Field-Marshal Sir A. Clarke, G.C.B., deceased.
Sept. 28.--15th Regt. of Light Dragoons: Cornet E. Fellowes to be Lieut., by pur- chase, vice Basile, promoted; C. Spading, Gent., to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Fel- lowes-6th Regt. of Foot : Ensign A. Imlach, from half-pay 7241 Font, to be Ensign, vice Wetherall, whose appointment has been cancelled-14th Foot : C. Leventhorpe, Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Parker, who retires-16th Foot : Ensign C. Hawker to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Carter, whose promotion has not taken place- 17th Foot : Hospital Assibt. Temple Pearson, from the half-pay, to be Assist.-Sorg., vice Newton, promoted-22d Foot : Capt. E. Hawkins, from the 49th Foot, to be Capt., vice Wilkinson, who exchanges-26th Foot : Lieut. R. C. Hamond, from half-pay 31st Foot, to be Lieut., vice Thompson, promoted-27th Foot : Capt. L. R. .T. Versturme, from half-pay L'Lattached, to he Capt., vice M. Higgins, who exchanges-28th Foot : T. Wheeler to be Capt., without purchase, vice Irving, deceased; Ensign T. Beckham to be Lieut., vice Wheeler ; Gent. Cadet It. 3. M'Donell, from the Royal Military Col- lege, to be Ensign, vice Beckham-41st Foot : Assist:Sorg. G. Glacser, from half-pay Cape Regt., to be Assist.-Surg., vice W. D. Fry, who exchanges-49th Foot : Brevet-Major Wilkinson, from the - Foot, to be Capt., vice Hawkins, who exchanges-60th Foot : Second Limit. IT. Bingham to be First Lieut., by purchase, vice I ord Fineastle, promoted ; W. G. Rose, Gent., to be Second Lieut., by purchase, vice Bingham-93d soot: Assist.-Sur. J. Edmondson, from the Hospital Staff, to be Assist.-Surg., vice Eking, deceased-97th Foot : Ensign G. R. Cummin to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Reade, who retires ; C. 3. F. Denshire, Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Cummin -Hospital Staff: F. M`Rae, M.D., to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Edmondson, appointed to the 93d Foot.
Memoranda-The date of the commission of Lieut. J. Edwards, of the 46th Foot, has been altered from the 14th November 1827, to the 31st of October 1827, in order to his being placed in his proper situation in that corps. The promotion of Brevet Lieut.- Col. H. Williams, on half-pay 241 Garrison Battalion, to be Col. in the Army from 22d July 1830, has not taken place.