The Army.
WAR-OFFICE, Sept. 94.-7th Foot : Major-General Sir E. Blakeney, K.C.B., to be Colonel, vice Field-Marshal Sir A. Clarke, G.C.B., deceased. Sept. 28.--15th Regt. of Light......
Lord Nugent And Dr. .southey.
A CRITI M in the Quarterly Review on Lord NUGENT'S Memorials of Hampden, has called forth a letter from the noble Lord to Mr. MURRAY, in which the author, with point as well as......
Earl Grey and the other Cabinet Ministers are expected in town about the middle of next week, to attend a Cabinet Council W-hich is summoned by direction of Lord Palmerston. The......
From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, September 25.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Yourrn and Co., Parliament Street, attornies at law ; as far as regards Brztorr- P., 3. S., W., and II. KENWAY, Bridport, twine-manufacturers; as far as......