The Barnes Tragedy.
LAST week, a letter appeared in the Globe, charging the Duke of Cum- berland with having very nearly ridden down two young ladies on the Barnes road, and with having laughed at......
Clonhel Borough.—the Return Of John Bagwell, Esq., Fer...
is said to be quite certain.— Clonmel Herald. Conic, COUNTY AND Cerv.,The Cork Coneitution says—" The period for the registry closed last night, but the notices continued to be......
Since The Above Wits Nvritten, We Have Been Favoured,...
the Tem s id this - morning, with a solemn and it half of' more hest words on this pitzling subject, in the shape of it letter from Mr. Jell, a 'Ater froi» Sharp, au It of Mr.......
Edinburgii.—on Thursday, The Assistant Sheriff Settled...
as to the admissibility of the votes of lodgers. The lodger's claim is held good in cases where the bare walls of the apart- ments he occupies, exclusive of furniture and......