CLONHEL BOROUGH.—The return of John Bagwell, Esq., fer this borough,
is said to be quite certain.— Clonmel Herald.
Conic, COUNTY AND Cerv.,The Cork Coneitution says—" The period for the registry closed last night, but the notices continued to be sent in to the latest moment to the Clerks of the Peace for the county and city, who kept their offices open until twelve o'clock for that purpose. It would be impossible for us this post to give the exact numbers; but, on a rough calculation, there have been about 17,000 notices served for the. county, and about 8,500 for the city, of which we have reason to know that the Conservatives will form a decided majority, when the claims of the respective parties come to be
considered." .
DUBLIN CITY.—The number of notices for registry served upon the Town Clerks, Messrs. Greene and Archer, was upwards of 20,000— From the Trades Union . . .. . ... . ..... 7,000 The Liberal Committee at the Commercial Buildings...... . 6,310 The Conservatives ... 4,590 Private Notices ... .... . . . . . 3,000 20,919
DUBLIN COUNTY.—The number of notices served upon the Clerk of the Peace is about 4,000—
From the Liberal Registry Office in Cope Street ..... 1,03 From the Conservative Mike.. ......... ..... . 934 From the Liberal (Alice in Fowne's street ...... . •. 696 Private Notices. . • • • 700
4,006 DUNDALK.—A brother of Lord Roden will contest the borough of Dundalk with Mr. Shell. There is no question as to the certainty of his defeat; but the Conservative Rent will be poured out like dish- water upon the occasion, and the independent electors of Dundalk should be on the alert.—Ncwry Examiner. [Where is the high and mighty Captain James Edward Gordon ? Cashiered?] FERMANACIL—Lord Viscount Cole is active in canvassing the county, and visited this town in the course of his tour yesterday._ Fermanagh Reporter.
GALWAY COCNTY.—Another candidate for the representation of the county is about to offer himself, in the person of Mr. Thomas Martyn of Ballinahinch.—Frce Press. •
KERRY COUNTY.—The rumour of Captain Herbert's intention of' offering himself as a candidate at the ensuing election for the county of Kerry is unfounded.
KILKENNY COUNTY.—Upwards of 4,000 notices for registration have been lodgel with the Clerk of the Peace forth(' county of Kilkenny; and above GOO notices have been received by the Clerk of the Peace for the city-sof Kilkenny.—Kilhenny Moderator.
LIMERICK CITY.—A member of Lord Gort's family will present himself to the consideration of the electors of his native city, as a can- didate for the representation of Limerick in the new Parliament.
MAYO Coessrv.—Richard Blake, of Garracloon, Esq., intends to offer himself. Sir W. Brabazon, Bart., has been canvassing the free- holders of the barony of Gallen. It is reported that Mr. J. Browne does not intend to contest the county.
WATERFORD CITY.—William Christmas, East., is a candidate for this city. His present opponents are Thomas Wyse, Esq., one of the members for Tipperary, and Henry W. Baron, Esq.