Dining the week, Consols have fluctuated between 84* and 831, for the Ac- count,—having reached both extremes on more than one occasion ; and on Wednesday, they were quoted for Money at SSil. In the absence of positive intelligence of the commencement of hostilities, the Market hiss improved ; and Consols were again this afternoon at 844—closing at 8.37;, 84. It will be seen by our list, that thefall in other descriptions of Stock has been greater than in Consols. Bank Stock remains at 1891, the price of last week ; and India Stock continues to maintain itself at 2041. Exchequer Bills are lower—at Ds. to 16s. pronto m. All the Foreign Funds have sympathized with their English brethren, and are at lower prices than in our last report. Dutch and Belgian Stock have been the most affected : the former has been down to 42, and the latter to 7l; but hoth have experienced a slight improvement,—Dutch closes this afternoon at 42W, and Belgian at 75/. Russian Bonds have been as low as 9.5b and close at 99. Danish have been at 684, and close at 69*. Brazilian has continued the whole week at 51* 4, hut closes this afternoon at 54, 52. The dividends of this Stock, as well as those of the Danish, will be in the course of payment on Monday next. Spanish Stock has been as high as 144, but receded to 144, when it became known that FERDINAND was still alive on the 20th instant, three days later than the time of his supposed death, as noticed in our latest edi- tint of last week. The accounts from Oporto, although on the whole favour- able, are by no means considered satisfactory by the hoblers of Portuguese secu- rities, and both the Stock and Regency Scrip are lower ; the former closing at 471 and the latter at 5 dis.,—ahliough the one has touched 49, and the other :4 (Es:during the week. The settlement of the Foreign Account took place to- day, and was only remarkable for the scarcity of Greek Stock; which, bowever, has not improved in price, remaining at last week's quotation, 261, 27, SATURDAY, ONE O'CLOCK.
The Market has continued in a state of inactivity the whole morning ; but the nominal prices are rather higher than yesterday. In the Foreign Market, Greek and Brazilian Bonds have slightly improved; the others remain at yesterday's prices.
3 per Cent. Consols 83i 84 Belgian 5 per Cents. 75 -1, Mexican 6 per Cents. 26* 7 Ditto for Account 84 4 I Brazilian 5 per Cents. 5112 Portuguese a per Cm. 47f New 3* per Cent. Ann. 9142 Danish 3 per Cents. 69 4 Do. Regency Se.5p. Ct. 5 41 Bank Stock - — — Dutch 2f per Cents. 421 4 Prussian (l818) 5 p. Ct. —
India Stock 203 4 French 3 per Cents,-- Russian (1822)5 p.Ct. 99 Exchequer Bills 15 17 p. Greek (1825) 5p. Cu.:16474 Spanish (Mt) Sp. Ct.14