Sir HARRIS NICOLAS has taken WALTON and Corrores Angler in hand ; and PICKERING is adding to the thousand and one edi- tions already published of this dainty book—the delight of sports- men, antiquarians, and the lovers of book luxuries. STOTHARD furnishes the designs and views, and INSKIPP the groups of fish; and the handsome size and style of the work—which is publishing periodically, and will be completed in twelve numbers—will, we dare say, attract many purchasers ; though we had thought that every scrap of information connected, however remotely, with old IZAAK, had been gleaned long ago. STOTRARD'S designs are grace- ful, and in the old fashion ; but they are not so interesting as the fac-similes of the " old oriainal" cuts; and his views are not so good as an inferior artist might have made them. Irtsgrpr's groups of fish are far more pictorial than the bald profile representation of a carp or a trout that illustrate the other editions.