ORDINATION.-The fidlowing Gentlenten Were ordained by the Bishop of Lincoln, at Eueltden. on Sunday last. Dmetnis -W. Acworth, B.A., Queen's College, Cambridge ;
T. T. chamimes' B.A., Morton College, Oxford ; Durnford, 11.A., Fellow of Kiug's College, Cambridge ; .1. Fisher, B.A., Brazennose College, OxIbril ; .1. E. Golding, 11.A., 011,eit's Colleg8. Canibridge ; V.". E. Partridge, 13.A.. Brazennose College, Oxford ; G. E. Pre4eutt, M.A., Trinity Colli•ge, Cambridge ; W. Rogers Catherine Hall, Cam- tridge ; W. Tyrrell, 14.A., St. John's College, Cambridge: 'J. Weighell, 13.A., Pem- broke College, Caralmilge; J. P. Wilson, 11.A., Magdalen Col le!,t., Oxford ; J. Bull, B.A., St. John's College. Cambridge ; '1'. L. Clarkson, WA., Christ's College. Cam- bridge; and J. Taylor: 11.A., Canis College-by Lett. Dint. from the Bishop of Ely. T. M'Calmont, B.A., Worcester College, Oxford ; and H. II. Harington, BA.. Mug- dalen Hall, Oxford-by Lett. Dan. from the Bishop of Bristol. G. Cot torn, B.A., Ca- therine I loll, Cambridge ; '1'. N. Jackson, B.A., Christ's College, Cambridge ; .I. Lay- reek, and F. J. W. Woodyeare, B.A., Christ's College. Cambridge-by Jell. Dim, from the Archbishop of York. Pth:sts-11. It:Mist:mite, M.A., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge ; C. C. Beaty, 11 A., Clare Jilt, Canthridgu ; W. J. P. Redford, B.A., St. John's College. Cambridge : W. Brornehead, B.A..and A. Cox, B.A., Lincoln College, Oxford ; W. Drake, B.A.. Christ's College, Cambridge; 11. W. Ilockin, 11.A., Pembroke Cullgee, Cambridge ; .1. Kay, 11.A., Lincoln College, Oxford ; W. G. Moor, B.A., St. John's College, Cambridge ; .1. C. :11 orpliew, B.A., St. Peter's College, Camblidge ; F. Reads. 11./i., St. John's College, Ca 'abridge ; J. 11. Stuart, BA., Trinity College, J.11. Talbot, 11.A., Pembroke Collegt•, Oxford ; E. Thomas ; W. H. Apthorpe, 11.A., Christ's College, Cambridge-by Lett. Dun. from the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Bishop of Lincoln's LIVIA Ordination will be held at Buckden on the 23d of December next. Candidates are required to send their papers thither to his Lordship before the 10111 of November.