The Associated Chambers of Commerce have been in session at
Cardiff during the past week. A resolution in favour of national defence was passed at the meeting on Wednesday, many speakers alluding to the defencelessness of the Bristol Channel,--certainly a peculiarly glaring instance of national thoughtlessness. Across the Bristol Channel, a little way below Cardiff, stretches the most wonderful line of natural defences in the world. On the Welsh coast is Lavernock Point. Within gun-shot of Lavernoek Point are the Flat Holms, and a couple of miles from the Flat Holms the Steep Holms. Again, within gunshot of the Steep Holms is the point of Brean Down, a headland which juts out from the Somersetshire coast, and forms the eastern horn of Bridgewater Bay. If these places were properly armed, they would absolutely block the entrance to the ports of Cardiff, Newport, Avonmouth, and Bristol, and render attack impossible. As it is, the weakness of such guns as they have makes them practically useless. Among other motions passed by the Congress were those in favour of a fusion of the legal pro- fessions, the adoption of the decimal system, the extension of the Factory Acts to India, and the appointment of a Minister of Commerce. A resolution for " the formation of a com- mercial party independent of party politics," was only lost by 37 to 32, the Conference voting by Chambers. Clearly the danger that a Labour Party may be met by a much stronger party of capital is by no means shadowy. The workmen, then, if they are wise, will not encourage the tendency.