The Associated Chambers Of Commerce Have Been In Session At
Cardiff during the past week. A resolution in favour of national defence was passed at the meeting on Wednesday, many speakers alluding to the defencelessness of the Bristol......
The Question Of The Appointment Of Working Men To The
borough Magistracy has been again raised, this time by Mr. Burt, who tells the workmen of East Bromwich that he approves the innovation. So do we, if workmen who are clearly fit......
An Extraordinary Story Of The Sea Comes From America. On
September 11th, an old gentleman residing at Brooklyn received a letter from Ojee, one of the islands of the South Sea, hitherto supposed to be uninhabited, written by a certain......
Mr. Wynne E. Baxter, The Coroner Inquiring Into The...
murders, has justified his conduct in insisting on the publicity which we last week condemned. He has been the first to offer a reasonable explanation of the murders. They are......
The Law As To Dying Declarations Was Raised In The
Central Criminal Court last week during the coarse of a trial. Mr. Justice Charles, the presiding Judge, dwelt in his charge upon the heavy responsibility imposed upon a Judge......
On Sunday, Marshal Bazaine Died In Poverty At Madrid Of
heart-disease, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. He must have been a man with unusual ability of a kind, for he rose from the ranks to be a Marshal of France, and his......
Mr. J. G. Berger-spence Writes To The Times To Say
that the gold-reefs found to exist in Wales extend to Ireland. Gold is known to have been found in Wicklow from time to time, twice in paying quantities, and Mr. Berger-Spence......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2) were on Friday 97 to 9n.......