Recent Novels.*
WE think that the warmest admirer and least discriminating critic would hardly describe Paid in His Own Coin as a pleasant - book. To use the American adaptation of a familiar......
Vergii, Enid Iv. With Introduction, Notes, And...
the Rev. H. H. Stephenson. (Macmillan and Co.)—Mr. Stephenson has devoted his introduction to oomments on the diction of Virgil, and to hints on hexameter versification. In his......
Vergil, Ladd Ix. With Introduction And Notes By A. E.
Haigh, M.A. (Clarendon Press.)—In spite of the number of editions of Virgil which already exist, and the fresh ones which are Con- tinually coming into existence, it is not easy......
Current Literature.
Cicero pro Cluentio. By W. Yorke Fausset. (Rivingtons.)—A fresh edition of the Pro Cluentio is a dangerous task to undertake, for two reasons. First and foremost, because of the......