2 APRIL 1932, Page 8

A Hundred Years Ago

THE " SPNCLATGE," Idniten 31sT, 1832.

On Saturday last, J. Addington, eighteen years of age, was executed at Bedford for arson. He was convicted at the late assizes of having set fire to premises occupied by one of the overseers named Dines, in the village of Willsbed. Somewhat more than twelve months past., he was acquitted of a similar charge. After his condemnation, lie confessed that he set fire to the premises in both instances.


Sir F. Trench brought forward on Tuesday his plan respecting this Palace. Sir Frederick proposes to set it apart for the use of the King's College and the Royal Academy, and various other purposes; oses to let the garden on building leases for villas; to build an interim palace for the King on the side of Marlborough house, twice as big as York House, and to cost twice as much, and no more ; and to erect at leisure, a proper and splendid palace out of the remainder of the saving to be effected by the appropriation of Buckingham Palace. The saving Sir Frederick calculates at £1,769,000.

• • • • Our readers will recollect the puff of the Cajeput Oil by the first Cholera Board. It rose in consequence in the market some 600 or 700 per cent. Quacks and quackeries have their day. On Thursday 294 bottles were brought to the hammer at Garraway's. So lately as January last, they were worth from 3a. 6d. to 48. per ounce ; the first two lots were bought in at 83d., and the rest brought only 9d., Old., and 10d.