The Modern Home
The Immorality of the Antique IT 13 - not to be hoped that many who read the title of this article will be prepared to endorse its implications, but I hope • that some. at least......
Current Literature
THE FACE OF ENGLAND. By Edmund Blunden In selecting Mr. Effinthed Blunden to write the volume dealing with our countryside, the editors of The English Heritage Series have made......
• Thine' Thii Reissue Of The Late Mr. Henderson's Scholarly
edition of The Border Minstrelsy (Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd. 4 vols., £1 10s.). The book was first published in 1802, and reissued in 1833, with further notes by Lockhart and......
Saint Patrick By Winifred Letts Nothing Is Snore...
to write the life of a Saint, nothing has more charm and persuasiveness when • properly done. In Si. Patrick the Travelling Man (Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 12s. ad.), Miss......