Taking Stock
ONE inevitably regards an autobiography with deep suspi • It is so easy to write, for nobody lucks material ; so difficult to write well. Rousseau's " Confessions " is hidden......
The Child At Home, By Nancy Catty (sidgwick And Jackson,
as. 6d.) is another of those books which arc sensible in essence but irritating in expression. Everything in it could have been said in a quarter of the space : " A good many of......
Portrait Of A Singer And An Author
Melba. By Percy Colson. (Grayson. I Ss.) MELBA wrote an autobiography which was published in 1025 with the title Melodies and Memories (Thornton Butter- worth). It was far too......
Discovering Oursekes, By Drs. Strecker And Appel (chapman...
15s.) is just the stock American psychology book all over again. Its one novelty is the number of curious and spirited illustrations with which its authors have enriched it.......