S horter Notices Hardy the Novelist. An Essay in Criticism. (The
Clark lectures given at Cambridge, 1942.) By David Cecil. (Constable. 75. 6d.)
TfustrrE to Cecil let us pay, Who did not as a pedant stray Clarking from Isis- to the Cam To bring another leg of Lamb.
On Hardy he is fresh and true, Scattering rosemary and rue ;
With the bitch Bias won't elope
But stays to learn his author's scope ; Marks carefully his_chosen ground, Describes the wonders he has found : Nature's doom-lit magnificence And Love's most lovely vain pretence ; In great creative power makes clear The little failings that endear •
Flies almost to his author's height,
Nor airs superior Christian flight.
Thus may a critic hope to be Himself of Mermaid company.