2 APRIL 1943, page 13

M. Of I. Talks

Sm,—Who is responsible for the talks given by speakers under the n auspices of the Ministry of Information? A recent address almost suggests a Fifth Columnist at work. The......

Need Europe Starve Sir, —may I Be Allowed A Word Of

comment on the most timely warning given by Dr. Marrack in his article, "Need Europe Starve? " published in your columns on March 19th? Dr. Marrack draws our attention to the......


SIR, —The description of the " hand-log " given by Vice-Admiral Beamish is correct, but not his conclusion that therefore the knot is a unit of distance. Nicholls's Seamanship......

Army Education Sm,—a Good Deal Of Lip Service Is Paid

to Army Education in the National Press, and the undersigned feel that the public should hay' • some of the facts of what often happens at "educational meetings. The meeting......


Sut,—As usual, I turned eagerly to " A Spectator's Notebook " as soon as your last issue reached me, for " Janus " long since claimed me as one. of his most fervent disciples,......


have just seen " Janus's" remarks about the term " Under-belly " in your issue of March 19th. Though the expression was used by the Prime Minister in a broadcast (but even Jove......