The Still Submerged Tenth
The experience of war-time evacuation forced on the attention of the public the degradation of the life still lived by a considerable section of poorer classes in English towns.......
The Power To Expropriate
It is generally recognised that the Government must have ample powers of controlling war production even to the point of taking over going concerns and running them under......
A State-supported Theatre
C.E.M.A. (the Council for the Encouragement of Music and Arts) has ventured yet a stage further in its enterprising campai in the interests of drama, music and art by re-opening......
Foreign Office Reform
_ Thanks to the participation of peers with the administrative and diplomatic experience of Lord Perth, Lord Tyrrell and Lord Mulkey and the Ministerial experience of Lord......
Religion In The Schools
The Board of Education has been going the right way to work i endeavouring to get an agreed solution of the vexed question the teaching of religion in schools. In his speech at......
The National Health Service
Mr. Ernest Brown had something to say last week about the work his department is doing in preparing the scheme of the promised national health service. This work is still of an......