2 AUGUST 1930, Page 1

In the words of the Manchester Guardian " the Simon Report

stands and will unquestionably dominate the Conference, but will not be imposed upon it." It does not follow that no constructive alternative to the Simon Report has been put forward from the Indian side. Besides the Nehru Report and the Report of the Indian Central Committee we have come across several others, notably that of Sir Ibrahim Rahimtoola which was put forward in the Times of India last September. Sonic form of democracy based on the traditional Indian unit, the village, as explained on our Indian page this week, is far more likely to prove the solution of India's problem of self-government than a Western Parliamentary form. Nor is this incompatiffie with " Dominion status with safeguards," the purpose to which, in a spirit of good will, British and Indian combined efforts 'oust be bent.

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