Ghosts In Piccadilly
Shades of Albany : a Facetious Fantasy. By 1. NI. Parsons: (The Bodley Head. 3s. lid.) ALBANY—* Paradise in Piccadilly," as its devotees have called it—is not merely a building......
A Rare Tudor Translator
The History of the Church of Englande. Compiled by Vener- able Bede, Englishman. Translated out of Latin into English by Thomas Stapleton Student in Divinitie. (Oxford Black-......
Words, Words . . . Look Homeward, Angel. By Thomas 1Volie. (Heinemann. 10s. (hi.) Miss Mole. By E. H. Young. (Cape. 7s. 6.1.) Lyndesay. By John Connell. (Cape. 7s. Od.)......
India Of To-day And Yesterday
As Registrar of Co-operative Societies in the Punjab, Mr. Darling has had exceptional opportunities to penetrate the mind of the peasant : his sub-title—the Old Light and the......