Mr. E. W. White Has Written The First Detailed, Critical
study in English of Stravinsky •s music in Stravinsky's Sacrifice to Apollo (Hogarth Press, Gs.). His was a formidable tusk, requiring, above all, a balanced judgment. This time......
Dame Henrietta Burnett Treats As An Expert Of Matters Ilan
Matter (John Murray, Ts. lid.) She has given her whole life to the improvement of social conditions. She has had excep- tional success in her efforts, and what she says has a......
Mr. Causton And Mr. Young Have Done A Useful Service
in having collected together a body of information, which is otherwise only obtainable with great difficulty, regarding the operation of the censorship in this country. They......
Some Books Of The Week
As headmaster of Winchester (1901--11) and as Bishop suc- cessively of Southwark and Oxford, Dr. H. M. Burge was well known and greatly respected, so that there will be many......
("more Books Of The Week" And "general Knowledge Com-...
will be found on page 173.)......
Holiday-makers Ill The Lake District Will Welcome A New...
Guide to Ieskdale (James Atkinson, Ulverston, 6d.) which gives excellent walking and climbing directions for this particularly beautiful district, as well as much essential......
The Competition
Tim Editor offers a prize of five guineas for the best story of not more than two hundred words illustrating local belief.; and superstitions current in the British Isles. The......
True Lovers Of " Sir Walter "—those We Mean Who
know him intimately through his poetry, his novels or his son-in- law, as friend, magician and hero—should not read Mr. Donald Carswell's Sir Walter : A Four-Part Study in......
One Type Of Psycho-analysts Rejects All Explanations...
: everything must be interpreted in terms of some- thing else no analogy is too fantastic. Indeed, the pm-logical symbolism of the savage is direct simplicity when contrasted......