The Viceroy received a deputation from the All-India Landowners' League
on Tuesday afternoon. The members gave in detail their objections to the Simon Report, to which Lord Irwin replied sympathetically, making special reference to the importance of a contented peasantry and of avoiding any measures likely to bring about a clash between the Indian people, town and country workers, and the landowning class. A review of the situation for the week ending July 26th is now pub- lished. Violence is definitely decreasing, but on the other hand the Times tells us that the boycott of British goods is " spreading to an alarming extent throughout the country." An additional source of discontent is the slump in prices of agricultural produce due to the fall in world prices. There are indications of renewed activity In the North-West frontier province, and these are possibly connected with the motion, which we heartily deplore, introduced into the Punjab Assembly, censuring the conduct of the Punjab police. All responsible reports give us to understand that the action of the police through- out has been exemplary in loyalty and self-restraint.