Trade Missions The news of the Trade Mission to South
Africa is followed by the announcement that a similar mission is to he dispatched to the Far East to study trade conditions. The growing co-operation between industries and government departments is marked by the fact that a contribution to the expenses of the special cotton section of the Mission is to come from Lancashire The Department of Overseas Trade, whose Development Council we mention in a leading article, has alWays been ready and anxious for such co-operation, but its activities were far too little known among traders generally, until Mr. Churchill's budget, threatening its extinction, called forth protests from those who did know it, and thus it was saved for the useful work which it is now doing. We have had for years, in embryo, something similar to the Trade Department at Washington, without many of our traders being aware of it. Let us hope that it is now, with a higher degree of organization and alertness among traders and industrialists, about to come into its own. * * * *