2 DECEMBER 2006, Page 32

Crosses and turbans

From John Duffield

Sir: The case of Nadia Eweida and her cross (‘The BA row is about fair play’, 25 November) highlights the way in which the entirely laudable aim of ensuring that there is no discrimination against members of special groups has seamlessly been transformed into a practice of giving them privileges.

It is entirely correct that, say, women should be allowed to become police officers; it is wrong that the physical requirements for becoming a police officer should be lower for them. It is entirely correct that, say, British Airways should be prevented from refusing to employ Sikhs or Christians because they are Sikhs or Christians, but if Sikhs or Christians wish to work for British Airways, they must conform to the dress code, which does not allow turbans or visible jewellery. The problems are caused entirely by the allowing of turbans but not crosses.

John Duffield

Loughton, Essex