2 DECEMBER 2006, page 95

Two-horse Race

FRANK KEATING F ootball’s European Champions’ League awaits the serious new year stuff once a few loose ends are tied on Wednesday. Arsenal and Manchester United each need only......

Q. The Convention With Regard To Tipping In Restaurants Is

that one leaves 10 per cent of the bill and hopes it will go to the staff. The bill, however, includes both hidden VAT on the cost of the meal and a mark-up of 250 per cent or......

Q. Going Back To Your Article Of 7 October, I

would like to say something about the phenomenon of cutting acquaintances at parties. Being an Irishman, I know that there is a gesture I’ll call the ‘Irish nod’. It’s a very......

Q. I Now Have 42 Assorted Nieces, Nephews And Godchildren.

Over the years I have put huge physical and mental effort into finding things to give them for Christmas which they do not already have. This has become increasingly difficult,......