Security V . Rights
From the Attorney General Sir: Stuart Wheeler’s article (‘Why the Tories must say No to torture’, 25 November) includes a quote from me about deportation. Taken from a Human......
Crosses And Turbans
From John Duffield Sir: The case of Nadia Eweida and her cross (‘The BA row is about fair play’, 25 November) highlights the way in which the entirely laudable aim of ensuring......
Bullies Of Bristol
From John Weston Smith Sir: In exposing that bullying and bumbling body, TV Licensing, Charles Moore chose a ripe target (The Spectator’s Notes, 25 November). Recently I bought......
From Bernard Silverman
Sir: Like Charles Moore, I am innocent of owning a TV set and I received the same threatening letter. I phoned the 0870 number and the employee (who refused to give his name)......
American Charity
From Simon Preston Sir: With reference to Simon Nixon’s article (‘Philanthropy is back’, 18 November) a contributory reason why US charitable giving is double the UK’s is that......
Vachement Seule!
From Richard Soper Sir: David Rennie, in his article on Ségolène Royal (‘Ségo and Sarko: not so different, after all’, 25 November), commented on her support for a rare breed of......