2 DECEMBER 2006, Page 48

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Martell’s country weblogger explains...

Winter shopping

HELLO! What a curious week. You may remember Geoff was taking me on a surprise winter shopping trip and my friend Mary dropped a big hint about getting my skates on.

I asked Geoff but he just smiled. I thought, I’ll butter him up. After dinner I treated us to Martell Cognac X.O. He’d so enjoy its rich complexity, I’ll catch him off guard. “Don’t you just love this?” he said. “Elegant...” “Yes darling. Reminds me of Christmas. That hint of roast nuts, dried fruits, cocoa and...” “No,” he said. “I’m not going to tell you.” Next day I was still dying of curiosity. I phoned my friend Lucy in London, to ask if there were winter rinks this year. “Simply loads Jenny. It’s really popular. Are you coming Christmas shopping?” “Geoff’s treating me. I think there’s skating. It’s a surprise.” “Oh, it’ll be a special market in a lovely old town,” said Lucy. “How romantic. Mulled wine, mince pies, roast nuts, hot choc, twinkly lights, skaters swishing round. Lucky you.” I found great Christmas markets in Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Bath and York on the web, but it all also reminded me I had to make our present lists, and decide who we’re having over.

Time whizzed by, then I realised it was gone six and Geoff was home, pottering about in the kitchen. “Martell Cognac, darling?” he called up. “How about a splash of ginger ale in it?” “Lovely,” I said. “Just a sec.” Geoff was humming as he went to fix drinks. I was halfway down when I got it. Winchester Cathedral! The old Sixties’ song... What if...? I whizzed back up and did a web search. Bingo! Christmas market. Skating. And Hotel du Vin – Geoff knows I love it. Lucy was right – lucky me. We had supper in the kitchen and talked over Christmas plans. I was so excited it was hard not to let on I’d found out the surprise. How thoughtful Geoff is. I leaned over and kissed him. “Early night darling?” said Geoff.

“Mmmmm. Why not?”

• Martell X.O. Cognac available at Harvey Nichols.

• Martell V.S.O.P Cognac on special offer at Asda, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Thresher and Majestic.