An Old Gate of England. By A. G. Bradley. (R.
Scott. 6s. net.)— This very interesting book, illustrated with many attractive pen- sketches by Miss Marian Bradley, is devoted to Rye and Winchelsea and Romney Marsh. It is not the first book, nor will it be the last, dealing with these charming and historic old towns and the towns on the other side of the Marsh, New Romney and Lydd, which can trace its .connexion with ordnance back to the Middle Ages, when a " serpentine " was made there. When Mr. Bradley says of Edward I.'s foundation of New Winchelsea that " never before or since was a town in England laid out under such conditions," he has forgotten that Salisbury and Hull were also new founda- tions of a similar kind, the one earlier and the other of the same date. Professor Tout's essay ,on " Mediaeval Town-Planning," to which we recently drew attention, gives all the particulars.