Works Or Reference.—the Catholic Directory, 1918 (burns...
6d. net) gives very full details of the Roman Catholic Church in Great Britain. It estimates that there are in England 1,890,018 Roman Catholics, and in Scotland 546,000 ; there......
A Curious Article By The Rev. Dr. H. J. Lawlor
in the English Historical Review for January shows that there is no foundation for the legend that Dean Swift was buried in his friend Stella's coffin, though the story was......
An Old Gate Of England. By A. G. Bradley. (r.
Scott. 6s. net.)— This very interesting book, illustrated with many attractive pen- sketches by Miss Marian Bradley, is devoted to Rye and Winchelsea and Romney Marsh. It is not......
The New Quarterly Review Opens With En Instructive...
Sir Frederick Pollock on " Imperial Unity : the Practical Con- ditions," summing up in favour of an Imperial Cabinet with Dominion representatives and an Imperial Council or......